Sunday, October 25, 2009

9.5 & a Weekend Update ~

~ ~ ~ Welcome friends ~ ~ ~
Thank you for stopping by. I hope you have had a fun, productive weekend.
I must thank April DeConick over at Red Jack Rugs. A few of months ago, she started a rug challenge. The challenge was to find 10 minutes a day to do anything related to rug hooking, whether it be pulling loops, color planning, dyeing wool, etc. In the past, my goal was to hook 30 minutes a day, and if I couldn't find 30 minutes, I didn't hook. Needless to say, it was very hard to find 30 minutes, so I'd only hook 3 or 4 days a week if I was lucky. Now I am proud to say, I have actually pulled loops for at least 10 minutes a day since the end of July (except one long weekend when I was out of town). It's usually only 15 or 20 minutes, but I am hooking on a regular basis which is a good thing because I must be the world's slowest hooker!
Here's my latest project. I must be on a cat kick (this is my third cat item in the last few months), and as you all know, I am a pug person. (The last cat I had went to the rainbow bridge when she was about 18 years old.) A couple of weeks ago, I had just finished a Christmas gift that I hooked (can't show you in case "she" checks my blog) and did not yet have my next gift planned. I needed something to take to the monthly hooking at the library and the first thing I found was this cat, something nice and easy and rather mindless. When I purchased my Townsend cutter this summer, I purchased a 9.5 cut blade. Did I tell you I absolutely LOVE my Townsend? If someone tells you it cuts wool like butter, believe them. Anyway, back to my rug. This is the first time I have hooked with the 9.5 strips and I really do like it! The rug is about 14.5" x 19".
As many of you know, my latest foster is a little 7 year old puppy mill momma named Eema. She is the sweetest little thing and so loving. We are working hard on the potty training and I think we are making some progress. She gets a special treat when she does her "business" outside and it seems to be working. She will make someone very happy when she finds her forever home.
I spent some time this weekend cleaning the basement. I am one of those people who just can't keep a basement or garage clean. Maybe it's because when I don't know where to put something, it's easier to put it in the basement or garage rather than dealing with it! It feels good when I get them cleaned ~ it just doesn't last. Maybe in my next life, I'll be one of those people who gets rid of things if they haven't been used or worn in a year. Nah, not me. I'm somewhat of a pack rat and I come by it justly ;-)
Pug hugs :)


  1. You aren't the only one, all the things I have no idea what to do with are in the basement, lol. I am at the point where if I am not using it, it is going to the salvation, tired of looking at it.

    Love your rug and love your pug;)


  2. I haven't tried to use the really wide cuts yet. (I seem to keep getting smaller!) I like the effect and the cat rug is lovely! I also like the Ten Minute Hooker idea but haven't joined yet.
    Your new baby is a cutie.

  3. Good morning, Lauren! Your new little cat rug is cute! And I love the 9.5, too! I'm not doing as well on the 10 minute challenge as you are ~ Congratulations!! Hope to see you somewhere soon!!

  4. Lauren, your rug is coming along well it looks great! See you in a few weeks.

  5. Love your rug! Wow a 9.5 - I use 8.5 and people thing that is so wide! Love the wide prim look though. Your new baby is simply adorable!

  6. I live in Florida so we don't have a basement but the garage ends up being a catch all. It probably has the same things in it your basement does.

    I should try the 10 minutes a day with my quilting. I tend to do that only on weekends because it seems like I don't have enough blocks of time to do it. I think you can accomplish a lot in 10 minutes! Thank you for the idea.

    One day, I'm going to be a hooker too! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)