Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tongue troubles ~

I thought my penny tongues came out good (a little off center, but that's ok) and would be perfect on my cat mat. This is my first penny rug and I wanted it to be exceptional. HA!
I had some trouble with the blanket stitch when I had a 90 degree turn. Some came out okay, others not. I finally got everything done except attaching the tongues and sewing on the back. That is when the real troubles began. Mistake number one was not being precise enough when cutting the back to fit the front. So I'm a little off. No big deal. Right? WRONG! That and the fact that I am trying to blanket stitch through six layers of wool. What a disaster. The first attempt was so bad it looked like my four year old grandson was doing it for me. I tore that out and started over. The second was no better, so I took the cowardly way out and gave up and decided my little rug didn't really need tongues after all! (Maybe I'll try making a little candle mat with my leftover tongues.)
Here it is all done...
...and a close up.
Speaking of my grandson, I picked him up after work today. I took him to visit his great grandma (my mom). Then we came home, got Marvin and walked over to the school playground. Jake has turned into a real magpie and doesn't stay still for a minute. It's hard to get a good picture of him. He has the most wonderful red hair that I'm sure he will learn to hate!
Being the typical boy, he must go UP the slide.
Hanging like a monkey.
Thank you for dropping in. I hope your weekend is off to a great start!
Pug hugs :)


  1. That little guy is sooo cute ~ looks like Ron Howard when he was little Opie!!! Your 'tongue' adventure doesn't sound very fun!! I would have done exactly what you did!! I've never made one either! But it's cute the way it is!!

  2. Great job on the tongues! Love your penny rug. You'll use those tongues for something, and you are one step ahead now!
    Your grandson is adorable x's 2! Love, the red hair! It's getting rarer and rarer to see children born with red hair. Tell him it makes him THAT much more special!

  3. Love your penny rug. Your grandson is a cutie!!

  4. Lauren ~ Your grandson is very cute. He just looks like a bundle of energy!

    I love your cat rug, and your pennies look great to me. I like the hand-made don't really want them to look as if they were stamped out by a machine. Great job!

  5. Your grandson is sure a cutie! I love your penny rug - I think it looks great and if anyone says you have a stitch off - tell them that's why it's PRIMITIVE! I actually hooked that same design! Love that pattern

  6. I love your kitty mat--it doesn't need the tongues at all.
    My great-grandfather had red hair and we have had at least one redhead each generation since. Now that our children are having babies we are waiting to see who will be the lucky one--your grandson is a cutie!

  7. I love your penny rug..with or without the tongues....tongues are over rated..LOL!! Your rug is beautiful!

    I have a little red haired grandson also..his name is Jake too!! His dad has red hair...and yep, you're didn't take him long to hate his hair either!


  8. Lauren~your grandson is a cutie patootie! (:
    LOVE his red hair! Your penny rug looks very need for "tongues"...I've been wanting to try a penny rug too...we'll see! At least I will know who to direct my questions too! (:

  9. Thank you everyone for your kind comments about my penny rug, but especially the comments about my grandson :) I have been told before that he looks like Opie.
    Thank you for dropping by!
    Pug hugs :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)