Saturday, August 8, 2009

A question for all you hookers ~ ~ ~

A post with no pictures. Very strange!
Just a quick question for all you rug hookers.
I am thinking about purchasing a Townsend cutter.
If you have one, do you think it is worth the cost?
I currently have a Rigby cutter and it usually does an okay job, but sometimes it is difficult to feed the wool through and get uniform width strips.
The cutter heads are new, so that's not the issue.
Sauder Village rug week is coming up and I believe they usually offer a 10% discount. Decisions, decisions.
Let me know what you think!
Hope your weekend is a good one.
We got some much needed rain today.
I don't have to water the flowers. Yippee!
Plus it's a good excuse not to work in the yard today.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren,
    I just purchased mine last year and couldn't be more pleased. I was able to use a Townsend cutter that was my friends. The ease in changing blades was really the seller for me, along with it cutting like butter. I have no regrets at all! My previous cutter was a Bliss and it did a fine job. Sold that to help pay for the new cutter! I have honestly never heard of a rug hooker who was unhappy with the cutter. I too got mine with the 10% discount. Every little bit helps! Good luck with your decision, but I'd say go for it!!

  2. Lauren, I have a Bliss which works fine, but it is almost impossible to cut straight. Some of the women in my guild have Townsends and when they bring them to our meetings and let us use them, it is a real pleasure. The ease of use and the straight cutting ability is really super. After I replace my frame and stand, my next purchase is going to be a Townsend. I wish I were going to Sauder this year! Have a great time.

  3. Lauren,
    Sell anything you have to to get your own Townsend cutter. It is worth every penny and it's wonderful to get a discount. Now you might want to keep your other cutter to take on longer trips as it is heavy or try to cut all the strips you think you will need before you leave. I would not be hooking if I did not have my own.

  4. Lauren - I have a Rigby cutter that I have had for 12 years. I generally like it better than most cutters I have tried, but the Townsend is very smooth and easy to use. I would probably spring for it if I could scrape up the money!!

  5. Lauren~ I have a Townsend cutter now for more then 2 years and love it. I also got mine at Sauders with a discount.


  6. DO IT!!!!! It about made me choke to write the check for it but I LOVE my Townsend!! See you this week??

  7. Hi Lauren - count me in - I LOVE My Townsend cutter - I have had it about 3 years and even my mom who just hooks a little here and there got herself one. I also have the large Townsend frame that I leave at home to support big rugs - They are bulky equipment to transport but there is nothing like them on the market - I will say however that a good friend of mine just got a new travel size Bolivar that comes with one head and it cut very nicely - It is may be a little less than a townsend but not by much - I'd say over $300 for sure - this friend of mine has every toy known to man (or woman) and she already had a townsend but just wanted something for travel. I envy you going to Sauder - I have always wanted to attend - maybe one day ! Enjoy Mel

  8. Thanks everyone !!! It's good to hear that everyone loves theirs or someday will. I am so tempted ~ ~ ~ and since I'd get a discount, how could I not? I mean, we all love a discount, right?
    Kathy ~ I'm with you...I could always sell the Rigby to help with the cost.
    Now to decide what size cutter head I want!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)