Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm back, Frannie's not, but Marvin is :(

I'm back from my long weekend get-away. It was wonderful to run away from reality for a few days, but it is always good to get back home. I will share some of my adventure in my next post.
While I was gone Frannie went to her forever home. This time I really hope it is forever.
Do you remember Marvin the five year old black boy I posted about on July 27th? He was the pug who was adopted by a child psychologist and was to become a therapy dog. I really thought he'd be the perfect guy for the job. I'm not sure the reason, but he was returned to Ohio Pug Rescue this weekend, and he's my new foster. This is the first time I am fostering a boy, so he'd better behave!!! He's sleeping on my couch while I post this and try to catch up with my emails. (Who am I kidding? I am NEVER caught up with my emails!)
Thank you for stopping by and please stop back soon.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren! Those faces! How do you do it?! I am such a sucker that I wouldn't be able to let them go!(: You really are wonderful for what you do! I am such a dog lover! We have two..a chocolate lab named Maddie and a little "teddybear" called Sugar!~Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm not sure how I came up with "Elspa" but I found "Fiery" in a was the authors middle name..and I loved it! Now I'm trying to talk one of my children into naming a grandchild "Fiery"! (:
    I love Miller's Antiques! Hope you had a wonderful time..isn't Lebanon a quaint little town?! Hugs~Kathy

  2. Lauren ~ What a cute little face! I hope you can find a good permanent home for Marvin!

  3. Poor guy, who couldn't love that pugs mug;)
    It is great of you to foster them, so they can have a home and learn to be social for a new home.


  4. Marvin looks worried ~ poor guy!!! You're a good pug mama!!! Glad you had a fun weekend!!

  5. Can't wait to hear about your adventures! Marvin sure is a cutey. Hope he finds his forever home soon!!! What wonderful work you do! We have adopted two Shepherds from rescue foundations so I'm a believer...

  6. How sad Marvin came back - when I was showing dogs - our breed club sponsored a rescue program for a few years but the sadness involved with the abused animals and the extreme vet costs to rehab some of these recues was beyond our means to cope with - sadly we had to abandon our rescue program. You are an angel to these guys - good luck Mel

  7. Thanks everyone for stopping by and all the kind words. I do greatly appreciate your comments.
    Marvin is doing great! He has a yeast infection in his ears and a bacterial infection on the skin (he has a couple of bald spots) but is now on meds and hopefully he'll be ready for a new forever home once he's all healthy.
    Pug hugs :)

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