Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hookin' at the Metro Park ~ ~ ~

Occasionally I get the opportunity to hook with a great bunch of ladies at the local Metro Park. Since it is only ten minutes from where I work, I combined my lunch hour with an hour of personal time and joined them yesterday. So much talent in one room!

By the time I remembered to get out the camera, it was time for me to head back to work, so I only had time to take a few quick pictures. Hopefully next time I will do better!

This one is all done except for sewing down the binding. I am not good at capturing the true colors. They were outstanding in this rug!

Very sweet and very near completion.
Another one almost done. So old looking!
These stars seem ready to jump off the linen.
I failed miserably in taking the picture of this HUGE Tennessee hearts rug.
The colors are gorgeous. Thanks to all the ladies for letting me share their rugs.
Hopefully next time I will get the camera out sooner.
Pug hugs :)

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