Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hooking at the library ~ ~ ~

First of all, a Frannie update. Here's Frannie perched on the back of my couch. My "personal pug" Loocie and all the pugs I've fostered LOVE to jump on the back of the couch and sleep like a cat. The saga of Frannie continues. {{SIGH}} Monday was the hernia surgery and Tuesday we were back at the vet. I was panicked when I looked at her belly at lunchtime. She had a huge lump again and I was so worried she had somehow gotten another hernia. We headed to the vet and to my relief (???), it was just swollen. He drained a significant amount of fluid and said we'd probably have to come back again on Friday, and it looks like we will need to return. I'm just thankful it doesn't seem to bother her!
Since Frannie seemed to be doing fine, I snuck out to hook for a bit with the "library hookers". It was a smaller group than normal, but what a talented bunch of ladies. Lisa was finishing the binding on this fall rug. The colors are much more muted than they appear.
Here's Lisa's current project. I always love her color choices.
Karin did a fabulous job on her Rag Doll rug!
Here's an antique adaptation that she is now working on. At the rate she hooks, it will probably be done by the next time I see her.
Here is a close-up. She does beautiful work.
Last but not least is Leah's feather tree rug ~ very sweet and very near completion.
A big thank you to all the ladies for letting me share their rugs. I really do appreciate it and all of you inspire me!
I can't believe the week is already half over. Where does the time go?
Pug hugs to everyone :)


  1. It was a joy to stop by and see such wonderful rugs in progress. Hope your lil' pug is doing okay!

  2. Frannie is so sweet, hope she is feeling better real soon.
    Thanks for sharing the photo's from hooking. Lot's of inspiration! They all look wonderful!

  3. What a bunch of great rugs! I especially love the "Fall" rug!
    Love seeing the pugs on the back of the couch. Sometimes Cleopatra (our basset) walks along the edge of the couch...makes me nervous as a cat :)


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