Thursday, June 11, 2009

#1 BAD BOY!!!

This is my number one bad, I mean my number one son, Bill. I can't believe he will be turning thirty soon. He has been living in Las Vegas for the last year and a half. He is carpenter and had been working on the City Center project, which is the world's largest privately funded constuction project. Last week he got laid off...again. That's happened several times since he has been there (he says that's not unusual), but he always manages to find more work.
I got a call from him tonight saying he has a job lined up to start in a couple of weeks and he was thinking about coming home. I asked when he might be coming, and he told me to come to the front door! What a pleasant surprise that was. He has already gone out to meet with friends. That's fine with me. It's just great to have him home!
Welcome Home Bill!


  1. Number 1 badboy is very cute and should be called number 1 Sweet Boy for surprising his mother ~ so many moms would be thrilled to open the door and find their wandering kid smiling back at them!! How fun for you, Lauren and how typical that he was out with friends already!! Kids!!! Have a fun weekend!

  2. Thanks, Alice. It is good to see him and it was so sweet of him to surprise me like that. When he was in his early/mid 20's, I was about ready to have a VERY, VERY late term! He has turned into a fine young man and I am very proud of him.
    You have a great weekend, too.


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