Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My new granddog and more flowers

I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Tomorrow is already hump day...where does the time go? It was a beautiful day on the shores of Lake Erie. Hopefully we will get some needed rain in the next day or two.
Here is my new granddog Selene. In these pictures she was eight weeks old. She is now eleven weeks old and I swear she is almost twice this size! She is absolutely gorgeous and just as soft as can be.

I've been busy working in the flower gardens. As usual, I am behind...lol! I did buy a few more perennials, including two hydrangeas that I planted on either side of my front steps. It is hard to find something to plant there because even though it faces west, it is almost full shade. I originally planted viburnum. They never did too well and one died over the winter. I almost forgot to get my cannas from the basement and plant them. They are the only plants I've ever dug up and saved over the winter.
Here's a few pictures I took today in the yard.

Stop on by Shabby Sheep (shabbysheep.blogspot.com ~ sorry I haven't yet figured out how to link it from here). She, too, is having a patriotic give-away. Don't forget to sign up for mine. There are two great vintage 48 star flags and a Statue of Liberty.
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren~Celine is so cute! Your flowers are just beautiful! Hope you're having a wonderful summer!Blessings~Kathy


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