Sunday, June 7, 2009

It will grow back, right?

My four year old grandson, Jake, has the most gorgeous red hair.
Today when I picked him up to spend some fun time with him, he had a new haircut.

To say I was less than thrilled was a bit of an understatement, but I'm just the! I have just always thought little boys (or big boys, for that matter), look a bit silly in a mohawk! I suppose, in a few decades, Jake will look back at this picture and think the same thing. Thankfully hair grows back and I hope his next "do" is a bit more conservative.

I know, don't sweat the petty stuff (and this is really petty stuff) and don't pet the sweaty stuff!

I hope your week is off to a great start.



  1. Such a cute little boy! I have one in Seattle that just got the same haircut ~ and he has beautiful dark shiny hair!! I know what you mean Grandma!!
    Love how your cat rug is coming along and your other little rugs!
    We didn't have the bug problem at the lake that you do ~ don't know why ~ there were a few but nothing like you talk about! Maybe they all blew Eastward ~ but we'll have the mayflys and that's a real challenge!!
    You're doing a great job on your blog, Lauren ~ have a good week!

  2. Alice ~ Good to hear I am not the only one with a grandchild who has one of "those"!
    Thanks for the compliments on my rugs. I'm trying.....
    I'm enjoying the blogging. I wish I had more time to do it ~ I could spend hours reading what other people have to write. My life seems dull compared to others ~ especially you!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)