Thursday, June 4, 2009

Garage sale goodies...

I hope everyone has had a great week and has some fun plans for the weekend.

I am not much of a garage saler, but every once in a while I will stop and find a treasure or two. Someone in the neighborhood has an annual sale, and usually I can find a few goodies. These were the best of the items that I purchased. The Munising bowl is not antique, but it does have some age. It is about 8 1/2 x 9 inches out of round. I thought it was a real bargain for $3.00. (I just LOVE old wood bowls. I have at least a dozen of them.) The half pint bottle makes a great little vase and the size one shoe last was just too cute to pass up ~ bargains at $1.00 each.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope to see you again soon ;-)



  1. Good Morning Lauren,
    Saw your post over on Sheri's blog and had to see yours....:) Anyone with a title of Rugs and Pugs already has a great deal in common with me!
    Pugs...I have 2. One of which is on my lap and the other at my feet...Bella, a little fawn girl, and Rudy,black boy, who my friend paid money for so I could rescue him. Only 1 pound and 2 ounces at 10 weeks old, when he arrived at my a robust 10 ro 11 pounds at 3 years...a little small, but a happy healthy puggie. Both are very you know a Pug that is not? Your Loocie is precious.
    My friend CJ and I have rescued 3 Pugs over the past few years. While not offical members of a formal group, the Vet's office has both our phone numbers and calls on one or the other.
    Also a rug hooker for nearly 2 years now,it has became a passion, and a former cross stitcher...and antique collector. Love the family pieces and forever looking! That wooden bowl was a bargain! Congrads of a great find!
    Will look forward to popping in and seeing what your up to! Guess that I should start my own little blog. I enjoy reading others so much! Post often! Love photos of others' Rugs and Pugs!

    Love and light,

  2. Mindy ~ What a delightful comment from you. We sure do have alot in common ;-) Your pugs sound adorable ~ especially little Rudy. He is really tiny. Loocie is petite ~ weighs about 15 pounds. She and I spent part of today at a big pet event in Akron, Ohio working at the pug rescue booth. It was a gorgeous day and hopefully some of the interested parties will contact the rescue about adopting.
    I haven't figured out how to add my e-mail address on the blog, but you can e-mail me any time at
    Thanks again for your comments. I'd love to see some of your rugs and pictures of Bella & Rudy.
    Stop again soon.
    Pug hugs!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)