Friday, June 26, 2009

The daughter I never had.....

…is my niece Elise. (I was blessed with two boys, but I missed buying smocked bonnets and other such girlie things.)
For many years, every summer she would come and spend time with family in Ohio. During her college years at Auburn University, she would spend her summers working at Cedar Point.
She, along with hubby Michael and daughters Sophia (almost 6) and Alexis (almost 3) came in from Chicago to spent a couple of nights here before heading a little further east to attend her cousin’s wedding. Both the girls will be in the wedding party. I can’t wait to see the pictures.
Now I must tell my favorite Elise story. When I turned 40, she was a whopping 17! She told me I was officially middle aged, and to a 17 year old, I’m sure I was. GUESS WHO IS TURNING 40 VERY SOON? You guessed it, Elise. Guess who no longer believes that 40 is middle aged?
Here is Sophia and my grandson Jake after eating a popsicle last evening. They thought the blue tongues were way too cool!
Have a wonderful weekend.
I hope the sun is shining in your neck of the woods.


  1. What a funny story! I had lunch with my favorite aunt yesterday....must have been something in the air.

  2. Pretty niece ~ nice looking family ~ and cute little grandson!! Are the mayflies gone?

  3. of course, I must comment on this... ahh! Thanks Auntie Lauren! You are very special to me. You gave introduced me to John Denver music and wedgies! We had a great time seeing you, as always! And 40 is not old anymore- it's the new 30! ha!Love you!


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